• ABA NM Praha - therapy center

    For children with ASD, problematic behaviors and other developmental disorders.

  • ABA NM Praha - therapy center

    For children with ASD, problematic behaviors and other developmental disorders.


About our center

Our goal

Our goal is to improve the quality of life for our clients, children and their loved ones, using methods of applied behavior analysis.

Work directions

The main direction of work is training of functional skills:

  • communication;
  • social behavior;
  • cooperation;
  • self-help and other important skills that help our clients lead as independent a lifestyle as possible.

Qualified therapists conduct effective classes that are based on proven methods and are individually designed for each client.

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  • Individual therapies

    Individual therapies

    Duration: 120 min

    The lesson lasts for 2 hours. Of these, 100 minutes are individual work with the child and 20 minutes are for data recording.

  • Group therapies

    Group therapies

    Duration: 50 min

    Groups of up to 4 children, selected according to skills and abilities.

  • Musical therapies

    Musical therapies

    Duration: 45 min

    Individual music development classes that include elements of solfeggio and basic skills of playing musical instruments.

  • Training for parents (online, offline)

    Training for parents (online, offline)

    Duration: 60 min

    Work with parents who independently work with their child at home according to the program developed by us. 50 minutes with parents, 10 minutes working with videos and data.

  • Visiting consultations

    Visiting consultations

    Out-of-office consultations in the environment where the client spends time (home, kindergarten, school, etc.).

  • Training sessions

    Training sessions

    Trainings in various environments for mastering skills (shops, transport, playground, etc.)

  • Trainings for specialists

    Trainings for specialists

    Trainings for specialists in related professions that use ABA elements, such as speech therapists, defectologists, physiotherapists, and others.

Get a consultation

Our team


  • Ходимо сюди недовго, але вже маєм перші позитивні результати дякуючи пані Наталії. Раді що знайшли Вас і зрушили з мертвої точки. Рекомендую, спеціалісти в своїй справі. Дякуємо))))

    Kristina Yankiv
  • Dobrý den, se synem,6 let, už víc než rok spoluprácicujeme s Natáliou a od prvního týdne vidíme pokroky v řeči a v chování. Syn se na ABU moc těší a když vidíme i pokroky, tak pokračujeme v posouvání hranic a naší trpělivosti dál 👌😁

    Janka Židišinová
  • Natalia poskytuje účinné behaviorální intervence, je velmi milá k rodičům i dětem a moc šikovná. Moc doporučuji.

    Barbora Soukupová
  • Paní Natálii vřele doporučuji, znám ji osobně přes 2 roky. Oceňuji její cenné rady, empatický a odborný přístup. Velmi nám pomohla při práci se synem. Děkuji za milou spolupráci!

    Jitka Březinová
  • Chodíme k paní Natálii přibližně 3 měsíce. Má skvělý přístup k dětem. Dcera na lekce ráda chodí. Výsledky jsou viditelné. Doporučujeme.

    Viktorie Viktorie
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